Adem Kaplan Mayıs 26, 2019 0
Heeeyy,now you can see favorite blogs sidebar on the right side of my blog :) Don't forget to visit those useful blogs. Log in to Blog...
Hi, in this article, I am going to introduce you an amazing website called Thinglink. ThingLink’s image interaction technology help...
Easily design beautiful, professional graphics. Canva gives you all the tools you need to design. Choose from hundreds of profession...
Hi guys, in this article i m gonna introduce you an interactive mind map not taking website; Mindmeister. With MindMeister, you can take n...
Hey, I created an example lesson for you to learn nearpod, in this lesson I aimed to teach kindergarten students to teach animals. https:/...
Gaming gives motivation and importance to students’ lives. When faced with difficulties in real-life, we can become worried, confused, and ...
Hi followers! I created a class on a website called Pixton.By the way, in Pixton, you can create interactive comic stories and can share wi...
qr code
Hi folks, today I am going to introduce you qr code generator.As you know, nowadays qr codes everywhere in our daily life. You can link what...
Adem Kaplan Mayıs 04, 2019 0
Hello guys, I created an activity on Kahoot,you can join it by clicking on the link and you can race with your friends while solving the que...
Lately I discovered an educational app Quizlet. It have also a website.You can create funny events by using quizlet such as fill the blanks,...
Hi folks, I took a certificate from 3 hours Swedish course on Udemy. It was free and there are a lot of things that are free in Udemy. It wa...
education , game , second life
Hi everyone, today I am gonna introduce you an amazing game called Seond Life. In second life, you can create an alternative world and it is...